Event Planning

Planning an event?

The Wye Valley Greenway is a great location for a walking, running or cycling event but it is important to contact us before organising anything.

If you are planning on using the greenway as a location please complete the form. It will help us manage the route so that it is not overcrowded and provide information to our users about potential disruption.

There is a small charge per participant which helps us to maintain the greenway and to conduct the bat surveys which are required for us to retain our Natural England Bat License and to keep Tidenham Tunnel open.

We also expect event organisers to check the site after the event to clear any litter that may have been caused by the event.


2025 Events

Tuesday 1 April- Tidenham Tunnel Opens

Saturday 14th June - Solstice Sundowners sportive

Sunday 15 June - SARA Wild Wye Swim Run

Saturday 5th - Sunday 6th July -Wye Divide

Sunday 20 July - Relish Running Wye Valley Tunnel Run