Become a supporter
Now that the Wye Valley Greenway has been built we still need to have some funding to maintain the path and to run the bat surveys (that are required to keep Tidenham Tunnel open). Volunteers provide their labour and equipment free of charge but we also need to pay for consultants, equipment, and machinery to keep the Greenway open. The route also needs to be insured. It does not cost a lot, but it does cost something and you can help.
To pay via standing order, bank transfer or cheque click the Bank Details box below.
Save us the transaction fees by asking your bank to pay your donation directly into our bank account.
You can even set up a standing order so that we regularly receive your donation. The choice on how much or how often you want to make a donation is up to you.
If you are making a bank transfer, or standing order payment, please complete and submit the form, provided with our bank details, so that we can claim Gift Aid on your donation.
Greenways and Cycleroutes Limited is a Community Benefit Society, regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, Mutuals Public Register 7273, Registered with HMRC as charitable EW51258.