Frequently Asked Questions


Where can I park at the south end?
Free parking is available at Wyedean School in Sedbury (enter and turn left). Please do not park in the main school car park on school days. In appreciation of this facility, you could make a donation to the school through the QR code at the car park or follow this link.

There is also plenty of parking in Chepstow which will link to other walking routes in the area. Check which is suitable for you. Nelson Street, Welsh Street or Chepstow Leisure Centre if you would like to do the Wye Valley loop.

Parking is not available at the National Diving and Activity Centre which is closed to the public.

Please do not park in the lanes surrounding the Greenway. Access routes need to be kept clear for farm traffic, emergency vehicles and local residents. There is no pedestrian, cycle or vehicular access to, or parking for, the tunnel at Netherhope Lane.

Where can I park at the north end
Parking is available in the Tintern Wireworks carpark or near Tintern Abbey.

Why is the tunnel shut at night and in the winter?
The bat licence from Natural England only permits us to open the tunnel at certain times.

Will I get locked in?
No. The tunnel is checked by volunteers each night before the gates are closed. There are also emergency gate release buttons inside each gate.

Why do I need to have my dog on a short leash in the tunnel?
It’s important to keep your dog on a short leash in the tunnel to prevent accidents. In the dark cyclists might not see a long dog lead or pedestrians may trip over it. Please be considerate to other users.

Why is Tidenham tunnel so dimly lit?
Tidenham tunnel is an important local bat roost, so the tunnel lighting is the maximum permitted by Natural England in order not to disturb the bat population.

Tip: On bright/sunny days, wear sunglasses glasses for last 1/2 mile before entering the tunnel. Take them off upon entry and you'll see so much more!

Why can't I use lights in the tunnel?
Users are asked not to use their own lights in order to minimise disturbance to the resident bat population.

Are there any toilets on the path?
Unfortunately not. There are public toilets in Chepstow, next to the tourist information office, and in Tintern, at the Abbey car park, but nothing in-between. Make sure you use the facilities before you set out.

Can I take my dog off it’s lead?
Yes, provided you are in control of your dog. It is a shared use path so please be considerate of other users. Your dog might be friendly but other users might not know that. We have also added a pond and wetlands area. It might be tempting for your pet to jump in but the flea spray used on animals can also kill the natural wildlife we are trying to encourage.

Please put your dog on a short lead when going through the tunnel.

Where can I find a dog waste bin?
There are dog poo bins in Sedbury, another at the Snipe Hill/Sedbury Lane entrance and more in Tintern, once you have crossed the Wireworks Bridge. Please do not leave plastic bags of dog poo on or near the path. Not only is it dangerous to the environment, it is regularly used by children and is dangerous to them as well. The local Council will issue fines for people who litter.

Can I ride my horse on the Greenway?
Sorry but no, the path does not have permission for horses. Hooves can also cause damage to the top surface of the path and horse manure on the path causes a hazard to other users.

I’d like to support the greenway by giving a donation.
Please visit our donation page.

How can I help/volunteer?
Check out the volunteer page on this website or email