The path is intended to be suitable for walkers/cyclists/wheelchairs/pushchairs. The first section, starting at Wyedean school is suitable for all users. The Sedbury Lane section is fairly flat with a little downhill section then uphill again near where it rejoins the greenway at Snipe Hill. From Snipe Hill to Tidenham Tunnel there is a short steep section then a steady, but slight, gradient uphill. The Tidenham Tunnel gates are left ajar during daytime to to reduce drafts for the bat population - the gate opening is 1.2m which should allow most users access to the tunnel. Once through the tunnel the path slowly descends to the valley floor although the last section, north from the tunnel towards Tintern, is on Forestry tracks and is still a bit bumpy. We are hoping to get funding and Forestry England approval for a new surface on this section.